The task is to read and display the data in file. This program is more complex but more useful than (1). It reads text files of csv format, the first line of which is the header and has the information of the following data.
Suppose that the header has N items, and I-th item bagins with "i". Then the I-th item in any row below is integer, and otherwise real. The number of items of that row is the same as the number of items in the header. For example datasheet1.csv (contents) has three real data, (time, conc, err) in each line. datasheet2.csv (contents) has integer i_number and real weight in each line. |
<Python (Object Oriented Programming)>
[Module] fileRead.py [Main] mytest.pyimport numpy as np class readtest: def __init__(self,fname): xa = [] ya = [] za = [] maxitem = 3 isf = np.arange(maxitem) def findTypes(res, n): for i in range(n): s = res[i].upper() isf[i] = (s[0] != 'I') if isf[i]==True: print('float, ', end="") else: print('integer, ', end="") print() return isf # maybe redundant file = open(fname, 'r') line = file.readline() self.header = line l = len(line) line = line[:l-1] result = line.split(',') for x in reversed(result): # remove "" if len(x)>0: break else: result.remove(x) n_item = len(result) isf = findTypes(result, n_item) i = 0 while (True): line = file.readline() l = len(line) line = line[:l-1] if len(line)==0: print('Null line: end of file') break print(line) if ('END' in line.upper()): print('END found') break result = line.split(',') if isf[0]: xa.append(float(result[0])) else: xa.append(int(result[0])) if n_item > 1: if isf[1]: ya.append(float(result[1])) else: ya.append(int(result[1])) if n_item > 2: if isf[2]: za.append(float(result[2])) else: za.append(int(result[2])) i += 1 file.close() self.fname = fname self.ndata = i self.nitem = n_item self.isfloat = isf self.xa = xa self.ya = ya self.za = za def datatypes(self): print('Data types: ', end="") for i in range(self.nitem): if self.isfloat[i]: print('float ',end="") else: print('integer ',end="") print() #f = readtest('datasheet1.csv') f = readtest('datasheet2.csv') nitem = f.nitem print('x:',f.xa) if nitem>1: print('y:',f.ya) if nitem>2: print('z:',f.za) print('ndata:', f.ndata) |
<Modula-2 (Structured Programming)>
IMPLEMENTATION MODULE fileRead.MOD IMPORT FIO, Str; FROM IO IMPORT WrStr, WrLn; PROCEDURE readtest(fname: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR ndata, nitem: INTEGER; VAR isf: ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; VAR x,y,z: ARRAY OF LONGREAL; VAR ix,iy,iz: ARRAY OF INTEGER); PROCEDURE findTypes(s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR a: ARRAY[0..15] OF CHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN WrStr('findTypes'); WrLn; i:= 0; LOOP Str.Item(a, s, Str.CHARSET{','}, i); IF Str.Length(a)=0 THEN EXIT END; Str.Caps(a); isf[i]:= (a[0]<>'I'); INC(i); END; nitem:= i; END findTypes; VAR f : FIO.File; line, s: ARRAY[0..79] OF CHAR; nline,i: INTEGER; OK : BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF NOT FIO.Exists(fname) THEN WrStr('File not exist'); WrLn; RETURN END; f := FIO.Open(fname); nline := 0; ndata := 0; LOOP FIO.RdStr(f,line); WrStr(line); WrLn; IF Str.Length(line)=0 THEN WrStr('Null line found'); WrLn; EXIT END; INC(nline); IF nline=1 THEN Str.Copy(header,line); findTypes(header); ELSE Str.Caps(line); IF Str.Pos(line,'END')<Str.Length(line) THEN WrStr("'END' reached"); WrLn; EXIT; END; FOR i:= 0 TO nitem-1 DO Str.Item(s, line, Str.CHARSET{','}, i); CASE i OF |0: IF isf[i] THEN x[ndata]:= Str.StrToReal(s,OK); ELSE ix[ndata]:= Str.StrToInt(s,10,OK); END; |1: IF isf[i] THEN y[ndata]:= Str.StrToReal(s,OK); ELSE iy[ndata]:= Str.StrToInt(s,10,OK); END; |2: IF isf[i] THEN z[ndata]:= Str.StrToReal(s,OK); ELSE iz[ndata]:= Str.StrToInt(s,10,OK); END; END; END; INC(ndata); END; END; FIO.Close(f); END readtest; PROCEDURE datatypes(isf: ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; n: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN WrStr('Data types: '); FOR i:= 0 TO n-1 DO IF isf[i] THEN WrStr('float '); ELSE WrStr('integer '); END; END; WrLn; END datatypes; [Main] mytest.MOD IMPORT fileRead; FROM IO IMPORT WrStr, WrLn, WrLngReal, WrInt; CONST N_item = 3; N_data = 1000; VAR header: ARRAY [0..79] OF CHAR; isf: ARRAY [0..N_item-1] OF BOOLEAN; ndata, nitem: INTEGER; x,y,z: ARRAY[0..N_data-1] OF LONGREAL; ix,iy,iz: ARRAY[0..N_data-1] OF INTEGER; BEGIN fileRead.readtest('datasheet1.csv', ndata, nitem, isf, x,y,z, ix,iy,iz); WrStr('nitem='); WrInt(nitem,1); WrLn; WrStr('ndata='); WrInt(ndata,1); WrLn; FOR i:=0 TO ndata-1 DO j:=0; IF isf[j] THEN WrLngReal(x[i],5,10); ELSE WrInt(ix[i],2); END; WrStr(', '); IF nitem>1 THEN j:=1; IF isf[j] THEN WrLngReal(y[i],5,10); ELSE WrInt(iy[i],2); END; WrStr(', '); IF nitem>2 THEN j:=2; IF isf[j] THEN WrLngReal(z[i],5,10); ELSE WrInt(iz[i],2); END; END; END; WrLn; END; |