<Grundy number>
Grundy number, written as Gi,j, is associated with any game board including Chess. It plays an important role in combinatorial games such as 'Corner the Queen', next. If we make the following definitions |
The task is to calculate Gi,j for all (i,j) of the given board. A strategy is suggested in queen2 (in Japanese). First we must realize that the equation in left is that for Gi,j's and that their values can be obtained quickly if p is chosen in appropriate order: The closer it is to the origin and diagonal, the earlier it is dealt with. |
Table of Grundy numbers (zeros are stressed) | |
Source codes | |
<Python (Object Oriented Programming)> [Main] Main_CornerTheQueen.py [Module] CornerTheQueen.py# Corner The Queen, 8-25-2023 from scipy import * import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import CornerTheQueen as CQ print('\x1b[38;2;5;86;243m'+'Queen'+'\x1b[0m') #blue print('\x1b[38;2;255;0;0m'+'Queen'+'\x1b[0m') #red print() isDn = False pr = CQ.calcGrundy(9) print(pr) print() pr.outGr(isDn) # Corner The Queen, 8-25-2023 # gives Grundy numbers for the game of "Corner The Queen" import numpy as np boardSize = 31 maxMember = 2*boardSize toChk = False def intToStr(i,n): s = str(i) le = len(s) while le<n: s = " " + s le += 1 return s def sumLists(a, b, c): p=[] for q in a: p.append(q) for q in b: p.append(q) for q in c: p.append(q) p.sort() return p def mex(gList): wList = [] for i in range(maxMember): wList.append(i) if toChk: print('wholeList=',wList) for p in gList: if wList.count(p)>0: wList.remove(p) else: if toChk: print(p," is not in list") if toChk: print('work list=',wList) k = 0 while(True): if wList.count(k)>0: # print('min=',k) break k += 1 if k>maxMember: k=-1 # strange result! break return k class calcGrundy: def __init__(self, N): self.Gr = np.zeros((boardSize,boardSize),dtype=int) self.N = N def moveH(x,y): mySet = [] for xx in range(x): mySet.append(self.Gr[xx,y]) return mySet def moveV(x,y): mySet = [] for yy in range(y): mySet.append(self.Gr[x,yy]) return mySet def moveT(x,y): mySet = [] tn = min(x,y) for tt in range(tn): mySet.append(self.Gr[x-tn+tt,y-tn+tt]) return mySet for z in range(N): self.Gr[z,0] = z self.Gr[0,z] = z ######## Execution starts here ######## for n in range(N-1): nn = n + 1 # nn=1..N-1 for x in range(nn): xSet = sumLists(moveH(x,nn), moveV(x,nn), moveT(x,nn)) self.Gr[x,nn] = mex(xSet) for y in range(nn): ySet = sumLists(moveH(nn,y), moveV(nn,y), moveT(nn,y)) self.Gr[nn,y] = mex(ySet) tSet = sumLists(moveH(nn,nn), moveV(nn,nn), moveT(nn,nn)) self.Gr[nn,nn] = mex(tSet) ####### Execution finished here ######## ####### Output of Grundy values ######## print('Grundy values for board size = ', N) for j in range(N): for i in range(N): print(" ",self.Gr[i,j],end="") print() print() ######## End of Grundy value out ######## ######## Methods ########## def outGr(self,isDn): sR0 = '\x1b[38;2;255;0;0m' sR1 = '\x1b[0m' print('Grundy values for board size = ', self.N) print('----------------------------------------') def printArray(j): print(intToStr(j,3),"] ", end="") for i in range(self.N): w = self.Gr[i,j] s = intToStr(w,3) if w==0: s = sR0 + s + sR1 print(s,end="") print() if isDn: print(' ',end="") for i in range(self.N): s = intToStr(i,3) print(s,end="") print() print('----------------------------------------') for j in range(self.N): printArray(j) else: for j in range(self.N): jj=self.N - 1 - j printArray(jj) print('----------------------------------------') print(' ',end="") for i in range(self.N): s = intToStr(i,3) print(s,end="") print() |
<Modula-2 (Structured Programming)>
[MAIN] CornerTheQueen.MOD [SUB] SubQueenGame.MOD・・・ BEGIN openTextWin(W1,'Graphic Application'); initXDSgraph(_big); prepareWholeSet(); WrStr(' Calculating Grundy values for maximum board size, '); WrInt(_boardSize,1); WrLn; initGrundy(Gr); calcGrundy(Gr); listOfZeros(); ・・・ PROCEDURE mex(Set: gSetTp): INTEGER; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN prepareWholeSet(); minComplementSet(Set,i); RETURN i; END mex; PROCEDURE moveH(x,y: INTEGER): gSetTp; VAR xx: INTEGER; mySet : gSetTp; BEGIN mySet := gSetTp{}; FOR xx:=0 TO x-1 DO INCL(mySet, Gr[xx,y]); END; RETURN mySet; END moveH; PROCEDURE moveV(x,y: INTEGER): gSetTp; VAR yy: INTEGER; mySet : gSetTp; BEGIN mySet := gSetTp{}; FOR yy:=0 TO y-1 DO INCL(mySet, Gr[x,yy]); END; RETURN mySet; END moveV; PROCEDURE moveT(x,y: INTEGER): gSetTp; VAR tt,tn : INTEGER; mySet : gSetTp; BEGIN mySet := gSetTp{}; tn := min(x,y); FOR tt:= 0 TO tn-1 DO INCL(mySet, Gr[x-tn+tt,y-tn+tt]); END; RETURN mySet; END moveT; PROCEDURE calcGrundy(VAR Gr: grundyTp); VAR x,y,z,n,xx,yy,N: INTEGER; mySet : gSetTp; BEGIN N := _boardSize; Gr[0,0]:= 0; numA:= 0; numB:= 0; FOR n:=1 TO N-1 DO (* circumference*) FOR x:=0 TO n-1 DO mySet := moveH(x,n) + moveV(x,n) + moveT(x,n); Gr[x,n]:= mex(mySet); IF Gr[x,n]=0 THEN IF x<n THEN zeroA[numA].x:= x; zeroA[numA].y:= n; INC(numA); ELSE zeroB[numB].x:= x; zeroB[numB].y:= n; INC(numB); END; END; END; FOR y:=0 TO n-1 DO mySet := moveH(n,y) + moveV(n,y) + moveT(n,y); Gr[n,y]:= mex(mySet); IF Gr[n,y]=0 THEN IF n<y THEN zeroA[numA].x:= n; zeroA[numA].y:= y; INC(numA); ELSE zeroB[numB].x:= n; zeroB[numB].y:= y; INC(numB); END; END; mySet := moveH(n,n) + moveV(n,n) + moveT(n,n); Gr[n,n]:=mex(mySet); IF Gr[n,n]=0 THEN WinAuxIO.hitKey('Zero in diagonal posision, OK?'); END; END; END calcGrundy; |