The task is to draw a sheet of probability paper, a special kind of graph paper, and is dealt with in Update (2) to Dr. Berendsen's program. Let the relative statistical frequency y (0≤y≤1) be identified as probability (ignoring subtle differences). The variable P that represents tick positions, taking values typically P=(, 0.1, 0.2,...,0.8, 0.9, 1-), is transformed to z, at which tick mark is drawn. Here is chosen as 0.01. |
Here erf-1 is inverse error function, available in Python as inverf(). On the other hand, the function is not available for my Modula-2, and I made invErf() by Acklam method. |
Python (Object Oriented Programming)
<Screen shot of graphics output to the console>
Modula-2 (Structured Programming)
Ordinate is P and Abscissa is z.
Python (Object Oriented Programming) [Main] code2.2ccc_grid.py [Module] hwblines.pyimport matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #import numpy.random as rnd import hwblines2 as hl #import statpos as sp eps = 0.01 xmin = 0. xmax = 10. xstep = 1. ax = plt.axes() ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(0.0, 1.0) ax.set_aspect(xmax-xmin) xtic = np.arange(xmin, xmax, xstep) xlabels = np.array(['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']) ax.set_xticks(xtic) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels) ax.set_xlabel('') yax = hl.tic_label(eps) ax.set_yticks(yax.tics) ax.set_yticklabels(yax.labels) ax.set_ylabel('Probability') ax.grid(True) font1 = {'family':'serif','color':'blue','size':11} #font2 = {'family':'serif','color':'darkred','size':12} plt.title("Probability Paper", fontdict = font1) plt.show() import numpy as np import hwbfiles as hf from scipy.special import erfinv class tic_label: def __init__(self, eps): feps = erfinv(1.0 - 2.0*eps) def finvcumulat(y): z = (1.0 - 2.0*eps)*erfinv(1.0 - 2.0*y)/feps return 0.5*(1.0 - z) p = np.array([eps, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5,\ 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.98, 1.0-eps]) s = str(eps) ss = str(1.0 - eps) q = np.array([s,'0.02','0.05','0.1','0.2','0.3','0.4',\ '0.5','0.6','0.7','0.8','0.9','0.95','0.98',ss]) nticks = 15 r = np.arange(0.0, float(nticks), 1.0) for i in range(nticks): # print(p[i]) r[i] = finvcumulat(p[i]) self.tics = r self.labels = q self.nticks = nticks self.finvcumulat = finvcumulat def info(self): print("Information on class 'tic_label'") print('nticks:',self.nticks) print('labels:',self.labels) print('tick position:') for i in range(self.nticks): print(f"{self.tics[i]:,.3f}",end=" ") print() |
Modula-2 (Structured Programming)
[MAIN] MODULE cumulatPlot.MOD FROM cumulative IMPORT gridPlot, FROM HgrWindows IMPORT openTextWin,initXDSgraph, FROM IO IMPORT WrStr, WrLn, BEGIN openTextWin(W1,'Graphic Application'); initXDSgraph(_big); ticscale:= _Berendsen; setBerendsenCoeff(0.01); cXmn:= -1.5; cXst:= 0.0; cXmx:= 10.0; cXsp:= 1.0; ticX.barleft:= cXmn; setTicPos(ticscale); scalePos(); whereXtic(ticX); gridPlot(ticcumn,ticpos,Ntic,avrev, 0); WrLn; WrStr(' Want to generate a plotter file? (y/n)>'); IF CAP(WinAuxIO.GetKey())='Y' THEN gridPlot(ticcumn,ticpos,Ntic,avrev, 2); END;
[MODULE] cumulative DEFINITION MODULE cumulative; PROCEDURE gridPlot(VAR ticcumn: ARRAY OF LONGREAL; VAR ticpos: ARRAY OF LONGREAL; Ntic: INTEGER; scalePos: LONGREAL; dev: INTEGER); EEEEEE IMPLEMENTATION MODULE cumulative; FROM SpecFunc IMPORT invErf, FROM HgrGlobal IMPORT graphsize, FROM HgrProtoType IMPORT LinLinFrame, FROM HgrLine IMPORT polyline, IMPORT HgrLow; IMPORT HgrStrings; IMPORT WinAuxLib, WinAuxIO, WinAuxStr; FROM WinAuxIO IMPORT GetKey, CheckLngRealValue, hitKey; FROM IO IMPORT WrStr, WrInt, WrLn, WrLngReal; IMPORT Str; PROCEDURE funBerendsen(y: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; VAR zy: LONGREAL; BEGIN IF y<=0.0 THEN WrStr(' set to 0 to avoid overflow'); WrLn; zy:= 0.0; ELSIF y>=1.0 THEN WrStr(' set to 1 to avoid overflow'); WrLn; zy:= 1.0; ELSE zy:= cA_Berendsen * invErf(2.0*y - 1.0) + 0.5; END; RETURN zy; END funBerendsen; PROCEDURE gridPlot(VAR ticcumn: ARRAY OF LONGREAL; VAR ticpos: ARRAY OF LONGREAL; Ntic: INTEGER; scalePos: LONGREAL; dev: INTEGER); CONST TitleSize=4; Size=4; black=15; green=2; c1=13; c2=12; Xlabl = "4.0"; Ylabl = "4.0"; Ymn = 0.0; Ymx = 100.0; Xstep= 1.0; Ystep= 50.0; eps = 1.0E-8; VAR i, ii : INTEGER; ix, iy : INTEGER; col1,col2: INTEGER; xtit,ytit: ARRAY [0..31] OF CHAR; u, v : ARRAY[0..1] OF REAL; OK : BOOLEAN; str : ARRAY [0..15] OF CHAR; BEGIN isRectangle:= isRect; IF dev=0 THEN col1:= c1; col2:= c2; ELSE col1:=1; col2:= 1; END; Str.Copy(xtit, 0C); Str.Copy(ytit,'Probability (%)'); Str.Copy(LabelLrLtX, Xlabl); Str.Copy(LabelLrLtY, Ylabl); FOR i:=0 TO Ntic-1 DO ticpos[i]:= funBerendsen(ticcumn[i]); out("tic y-posn", i, ticpos[i]); END; iniplt(dev, 1.0); TicPosition(FALSE); (* ticks out of frame *) LinLinFrame(cXmn, cXst, cXmx, cXsp, cYmn, cYmn, cYmx, cYsp, 0, 0, 0, 0, Size, xtit, ytit, FALSE, 1.0); FOR i:=0 TO Ntic-1 DO IF (i=0) THEN u[0]:= ticX.barleft; u[1]:= ticX.barright; v[0]:= 100.0*FLOAT(ticpos[i]); v[1]:= v[0]; polyline(u, v, 2, col3, 0, Size, 0, 0); u[0]:= cXst; u[1]:= cXmx; polyline(u, v, 2, col3, 0, Size, 0, 0); ELSIF (i=Ntic-1) THEN u[0]:= ticX.barleft; u[1]:= ticX.barright; v[0]:= 100.0*FLOAT(ticpos[i]); v[1]:= v[0]; polyline(u, v, 2, col3, 0, Size, 0, 0); u[0]:= cXst; u[1]:= cXmx; polyline(u, v, 2, col3, 0, Size, 0, 0); ELSE u[0]:= ticX.barleft; u[1]:= ticX.barright; v[0]:= 100.0*FLOAT(ticpos[i]); v[1]:= v[0]; polyline(u, v, 2, col3, 0, Size, 0, 0); u[0]:= cXst; u[1]:= cXmx; polyline(u, v, 2, col3, 0, Size, 0, 2); END; ix:= HgrLow.iscrx(ticX.label + ushift); iy:= HgrLow.iscry(v[0] + vshift); Str.Append(str,'%'); HgrStrings.justifystring(ix,iy, str, 0, chsize, base,base); END; u[0]:= cXst; u[1]:= u[0]; v[0]:= cYmn; v[1]:= cYmx; LOOP polyline(u, v, 2, col3, 0, Size, 0, 2); u[0]:= u[0] + cXsp; IF u[0]>= cXmx THEN EXIT END; u[1]:= u[0]; END; IF dev=2 THEN endplt END; END gridPlot; |